Gary Youth Leadership Council and Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson are taking steps to organize motivated volunteers to remove graffiti in Gary, Indiana. The group of student volunteers, primarily between 12 and 18 year old, has quadrupled in size since it was first formed. This is a highly motivated group hoping to make a positive impact on their community
"We are improving Gary little by little," said Samantha Brooks, aged 14. "And I think we can really make a comeback." More at
Sacramento, California - A good samaritan lost his life after falling while attempting to clean graffiti off a highway sign. Friends of the deceased knew him to be passionate about graffiti removal.
More at Ontario - Under the leadership of Trustee Dale Robinson, secondary students are helping to beautify Thorold Ontario. Since 2005, they have painted murals over 20,000 square feet of wall making it the largest mural in Canada. Based on the New York City's "Broken Windows Policy" abandoned and derilict buildings have been targeted for graffiti removal and murals.
“The murals were painted on two buildings that were previously covered in graffiti as a response to the graffiti,” she said. “Since we put the murals up, they’d never been tagged before until this winter and they’ve started to deteriorate in spots, so now it’s time to get back at it and take care of it by cleaning up the graffiti and repairing things. “It’s the largest mural in Canada – it’s over 20,000 square feet – so we’ve got something to be proud of here.” More at St. Catherine's Standard Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is fed up with the graffiti that detracts from the vibrancy of Toronto’s neighborhoods. To help launch the Clean Toronto Together campaign to eradicate graffiti, the Mayor rolled up his sleeves and working with volunteers to remove a graffiti tags.
“Everybody’s had enough of the graffiti,” Ford said. “We’re fighting back.” Ford said the city removed 8,000 square metres of graffiti in 2012 and he hopes to improve on that record this year More detail at The Toronto Star. Success. The wall has now been transformed into a great mural. Check out the photos at National Post Toronto |
AuthorFrom Clean City Innovation Graffiti Watch Archives
August 2015